Our Story
This pregnancy was very different from our first pregnancy. At 28 weeks we were confronted with pre-term labor. After a brisk walk on the treadmill, I noticed some unusual discharge. Just to be on the safe side, I called the doctor and went in for an ultrasound. Everything looked great with the baby; however, I had an unexpectedly short cervix. What was funny is that the Nurse barely noticed the ultrasound technician's note about my cervix. A day later the neonatologist admitted me into the hospital for 3 days because I was in labor! I didn't even know that I was having contractions!
A week later our situation was compounded when we found out that our baby had an umbilical vein varix. Our son had a varicose on the umbilical vein very close to the point where the umbilical cord meets the baby's stomach. This vein goes to the liver and the heart. Within the varicose the blood was flowing turbulently. We learned that this turbulent blood flow could potentially cause a thrombosis or heart failure. This was startling news but we were very fortunate to have wonderful doctors working with us. Subsequently, I saw the obstetrician and the neonatologist on a weekly basis for a non-stress test and an ultrasound. It was nice to see weekly images of Nolan and to watch him grow; however, we were very anxious that we may get bad news.
Because of the Varix, we scheduled the c-section for 37 weeks. My surgery was scheduled for 8:30 AM and our sweet Nolan was born at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia at 8:33 AM, weighing in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 19.75 inches long! Nolan was the picture of health and is such a sweet baby. His Apgars were 8 and 9 and a great breastfeeder. We are now a family of four--a little chaotic, but it is always fun. Below are a few of our favorite newborn pictures.
Right before we headed to the hospital (at 5:45 AM). |
Welcome Nolan!! |
Nolan was born with a head full of hair. |
Steve and I holding our sweet little guy |
Wyatt loved his new "Little Blue Truck" book and basketball given to him from his new brother. |
Wyatt meets his little brother! |
Nana meets Nolan |
Teta meets Nolan |
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Aunt Merrie gets to meet her new nephew |
Nolan & Dad relaxing |
Nolan and I on our way home |
Welcome Home Nolan! |
Pops and Nolan relaxing |
Nolan Meets his Cousins |
Nolan's first bath with the help of Big Brother |