One afternoon I was discussing with Ann Patton my failure to make any progress on Butterbean's room when she shared with me some wisdom that her pre-natal yoga teacher had bestowed on her, "all you really need for a baby is a onesie, a boob and something for it to sleep in."
However, at 33 weeks, I have taken this advice a little too far. Although Steve and I thought we would get a head start on the nursery, time has escaped us and we have an empty room with a crib, dresser and bassinet. It is completely my fault as I am unable to make decisions. Now, I have,
at least, ordered all the stuff and we are just waiting for the manufacturers, artisans, etc. to produce it.
Before we cleaned out the former "dog room" it was the disgrace of the house. We had used the room to store papers, boxes and dogs. The color of the room was this chalky, pale pink. There were plenty of paw prints on the wall and dog hair in the crevices. Unfortunately, I do not have a before picture. I guess I just didn't want to document the disgrace. I do have a picture of the room immediately after painting. We painted the room Benjamin Moore Stonington Gray, which turned out to be a little bit more blue than I intended. However, it is neutral enough.
"Before" |
Now we have a crib, bassinet and a dresser. The bassinet is an antique and very special to the Hatch/Mayo family. We have pictorial proof that Steve's grandfather slept in the bassinet and he was born in 1919. The Butterbean's Nana, Jackie Hatch, and her two brothers also slept in the bassinet. Steve, his siblings and cousin all slept in the bassinet as small infants. Steve's stay in the bassinet was brief as he quickly outgrew it!!
Now Butterbean will follow in the tradition of its 5 cousins and will be the newest family member to sleep in the bassinet.
Below is the idea board that I have constructed. Some of the elements are already in the nursery or ordered. However, I am still on the fence on some of my other ideas. Initially, I had intended to decorate the room in an exotic/Marrakesh theme. As time passed, I just found way to many things that I like so it was hard to stick to a specific theme.
The Bean at 32 Weeks |