Monday, July 9, 2012

First Mother's day

I was super giddy about my first mothers day. Before Wyatt's arrival, Steve and I had fairly low expectations for parenthood, in that we expected the worst.  You know--all of the horror stories stuck were hard to shake. By setting our expectations low, we have definitely been surprised and we definitely didn't anticipate how good it would be. Don't get me wrong, we couldn't wait to start our family. We have loved watching our nieces and nephews grow and we love to horse around with them. However, we didn't know we could crazy about someone. Steve asked me tonight how I felt about being known as "Mom" for the rest of my life. I told him, "Awesome."

Wyatt & I brunching at West Egg

my spicy hot chocolate 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


On April 9th we introduced rice cereal to Wyatt, hoping that it would help him sleep through the night. Introducing solids did not help him sleep--he just loved having his mother come visit him every 3 hours during the night. However, we have definitely enjoyed the culinary adventure--from the funny faces/grimaces he makes to the distance that he can launch the food.

He enjoyed his first solid--Rice Cereal mixed with some breast milk. Hmmmmm.....appetizing??
Wyatt's 1st solid

There are times when Wyatt would rather eat his foot.

 Green Peas are always a favorite at Chez Hatch.

Well...until they are not.